Regardless of whether you are considering becoming a patient or not, others who have reviewed this information have found it to be of tremendous benefit and value. If you are considering becoming a patient, reviewing the following information is essential. If you have decided you would like to become a patient, please visit our New Patient Paperwork page.
Autism Information:
Position Statement regarding Dr. Buttar’s Protocol
Dr. Buttar’s Congressional Testimony
Dr. Buttar’s Congressional Testimony – Full Documents (over 1000 pages)
Autism Paper #1 (Oxidation and Inflammation)
Autism Paper #2 (Heavy Metal Detoxification)
Thimerosal Exposure & Increasing Trends of Premature Puberty in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
An Animal Model of Autism
EWG – Pollution in Newborns
- Autism Audio Lecture
Cancer Information:
- A 5 Step Approach to Addressing Immune Dysfunction in Cancer
- A Story of Survival
Many Cancer Studies are Actually Unreliable – PDF
2008-2009 President’s Cancer Report – PDF
2010 President’s Cancer Report – PDF
- Cancer and Nutrition Audio Lecture