All you have to do to take advantage of this phenomenal offer is to simply type in the requested information in the boxes below and you will be well on your way. You will be getting some of the most valuable but closely guarded information about your health you have ever received, absolutely FREE!
You may also want to read the FAQ’s on the FREE 34 Part Medical Secrets Audio Series. These FAQ-s will answer many of your questions you may have like “Why are they GIVING AWAY more than 9 hours of audio lectures, for FREE?
Read the FAQ-s to understand our motivation to give you this FREE gift. Learn the TRUE INCREDIBLE VALUE of what you are being given, at absolutely NO COST to you! We’ll see you on the “inside” as you begin your journey on the road to “Health Optimization and Wellness.”

Free 34-part ‘Medical Secrets’ Audio Series
Brought to you by “Know Your Options, The Medical Series”
(audio links will be delivered to your email, so please use a valid e-mail address)
Frequently Asked Questions:
What exactly is the FREE 34 Part Medical Secrets Audio Series?
Answer: is all about Health Optimization and Wellness. The FREE 34 Part Medical Secrets Audio Series is a complete collection of over 9 hours of riveting medical lecture, primarily presented by one of the top 50 doctors in the USA. along with a few lectures presented from other highly respected physicians or researchers.
Each week, you will receive approximately a 14 to 20 minute long segment of one of these lectures that was previously presented in front of hundreds of people. Each subject has the potential to impact your life or the life of a loved one, in a drastic manner. You will receive the complete lectures but in increments small enough to insure you actually listen to them, and small enough to allow easy downloads.
Am I going to only get “teaser” components of these lectures, trying to lure me into buying the full audio series?
Answer: Absolutely NOT! These audio lectures are complete, and nothing is being left out, or being purposely withheld so that you “have to buy” the whole audio program series. In fact, we wanted to make sure that this would never be the case, so we DON’T EVEN SELL the 34 Part “Medical Secrets” Audio Series! No matter how much you even wanted to pay us for this valuable resource, we couldn’t accept any money from you since it is not even available in our shopping cart.
How do I know this information in these audio programs will be relevant to me?
Answer: You will be taking your first step in learning the truth about an issue that affects every single human being on this planet. This information has the potential of impacting your life, or the life of a loved one, beyond anything you thought possible.
We’re obviously talking about your health. After all, what is the worth of money, assets or your career, if you are in terrible health or worse, are suffering from a terminal condition? Someone once said, “If you have health, you have hope. If you have hope, you have everything!”
What are the specific topics of the FREE 34 Part Medical Secrets Audio Series?
Answer: All the lectures that have been selected to be a part of the FREE 34 Part Medical Secrets Audio Series have been specifically picked from some of the most popular lectures based upon evaluations from past attendees. These attendees travelled to live conferences where these lectures were presented, and they attended these lectures at a substantial cost.
You will receive over 9 hours of this riveting medical information in mp3 format covering the truth about nutrition, cancer, autism, stroke as well as how you can optimize your own health and well being. In addition, over 1 hour of lecture is presented in a debate format, revolving around a topic discussed by some of the world’s leading experts in health and longevity.
This discussion was about a “real secret” that has been experienced by less than 15,000 people in the entire world. But it has the potential of radically changing the health of the world’s population. This is NOT some marketing hype. Discover the truth for yourself.
Well, it all sounds good, but what’s the catch?
Answer: Well, there actually isn’t one. There is absolutely NO CATCH at all. You see, Dr. Buttar’s goal is to very simply, “Change the Practice of Medicine” for the medical profession. Together with some of the world’s leading physicians (known collectively as CAMPA doctors, or Center for Advanced Medicine Physician Associates) and all of our respective support staff, our mantra has become, to “make the change the world is waiting for”.
How do we plan on accomplishing this goal? By educating you with knowledge and facts, so that you yourself are now empowered with the same information to effectively take control of your own health, and the health of those you love.
You will obtain valuable insight that will allow you to truly achieve optimum health and wellness, as well as live a longer and healthier life. Most importantly, the information will help you avoid the serious mistakes that cause millions to either become sicker or remain miserable.
Many people have needlessly remained ill, with many individuals having paid the price with loss of their lives. This FREE 34 Part Medical Secrets Audio Series will help prevent this catastrophe from occurring. But don-t take our word for it. Listen to this information. Then you decide the truth.
Is my information (name and email address) safe with you?
Answer: All your personal information which you provide to us is highly confidential and is kept completely safe with us. We will NEVER sell or rent our customer list to any other company. You can be assured that your privacy is very important to us and we take this matter very seriously.